We live in a time of turmoil. Added to the anxiety brought on by the coronavirus are daily reports of killings, riots and tragedies that occur throughout our land. Then, in today’s Gospel Jesus tells us: “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Why? Because he brings deep peace.
It is a peace that comes in prayer when I abandon myself to his care with confidence. He has assured me he is the way, the guide that leads to the Father; he is the light that shows me the way through the surrounding darkness, the support I need to keep me from stumbling.
The peace Jesus speaks about is the peace that exists in eternity, and yet I am invited to partake in it now. It is the foretaste of what awaits me when I leave this world, provided I am faithful.
My prayer and confidence are strengthened when I receive him in the Eucharist, when he comes and lives within me, uniting me to all the members of the Church, “the Body of Christ”, especially with those who suffer most during our chaotic times.