The scene reacted in today’s Gospel is from the Last Supper. The theme is Jesus’ continuous assertion that he reveals the Father. Then, there’s Philip’s question: “Lord, show us the Father and then we shall be satisfied”.
Isn’t this the same question we ourselves often ask? So, shouldn’t his answer be sufficient for me now: “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”? The Father dwells within him. His words, his actions are those of God who is love.
So, the closer I am to our Lord, the better I get to know the Father. How do I get closer to the him? By reflections often made on the scripture to hear what he said and did. By prayer, listening to him speaking softly to me. By frequent reception of the Eucharist, where he incorporates me into himself.
In the 1st reading of today’s Mass I can see examples of those who lived in the presence of the Father. In spite of the difficulties they faced, the apostles were joyful in their work. And today is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Who could be closer to Jesus than his foster father? I shall pray today that he make intercession for me to answer Philip’s question.