Ignatian Reflections

15 May 2021 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | May 15, 2021 4:00:00 AM

15 May 2021

Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter

“God is king of all the earth.”

Today’s first reading from Acts comes at a perfect time in the life of the Church. This week, Pope Francis wrote to the Church in Antiquum Ministerium to institute the ministry of Catechist in the Church. Francis’ description of this ministry of Catechists harmonizes well with the two examples of Catechists we hear about in Acts today.

The first catechist in today’s reading is Apollos. He is described as very gifted: eloquent, an authority on the Scriptures, ardent spirit, and precise and bold instruction in the ways of Jesus. He is like one who catechizing those who have not year heard of Christ, or one who is out in front of others boldly sharing the message of the Lord. He, like Paul, might be what most people think of as a catechist: the bold, missionary spirit, of many human and spiritual qualities. But this is not the only image a catechist in this reading, there is also Priscilla and Aquilla

Acts says that Priscilla and Aquilla “took [Apollos] aside and explained to him the Way of God more accurately.” They also encouraged him in his mission both in Ephesus as well as in his desire to go to other towns. They teach the teacher. This way of being a catechist – of instructing and encouraging those who instruct others – is a key ministry as well. We do not know what they taught him, but we do know that their way of catechizing was a lot subtler, simpler, and more personal, yet no less important. Priscilla and Aquilla catechized those within the Church and those around them in their daily life – with encouragement, instruction, and – most certainty – in how they lived out the Gospel. This is also a valuable way of being a catechist in the church today.

Francis writes that “Awakening personal enthusiasm on the part of all the baptized and reviving the awareness of their call to carry out a proper mission in the community demands attentiveness to the voice of the Spirit, who is unfailingly present and fruitful.” Let us pray today to be attentive to our personal call from the Spirit – to share the Gospel like Apollos, like Priscilla, and like Aquilla, to those we encounter daily.

  May 15th, 2021