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Richard Nichols S.J.Jun 21, 2021 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

21 June 2021

Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious

St. Aloysius Gonzaga died on this date in 1591.  He was 23-years old.  He had been caring for plague victims in Rome until he fell victim himself.  He is held up as a role model for young Jesuits and for youth in general.  He was known for his intransigent renunciation of worldly vanities, his purity heroically preserved, his spirit of penance and his docile obedience.

What would St. Aloysius Gonzaga make of your lifestyle?  Do you renounce worldly vanities or do you immerse yourself in a stream of entertaining diversions?  Are you taking heroic steps to preserve your purity, or do you give as much rein to your passions as you can get away with?  Are you developing a spirit of penance or are you habituating yourself to the satisfaction of your desires?  Do you show docile obedience to Jesus Christ and his gospel, or do you somehow end up obeying another person or ideology?

Let us not hastily pass over Saint Aloysius, but, rather, let us spend time in prayer reflecting upon his example and asking for his help.

  June 21st, 2021