Ignatian Reflections

7 July 2021 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jul 7, 2021 4:00:00 AM

7 July 2021

Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today we consider what an apostle must have to fulfill his vocation: fidelity. He must be faithful to the one who sends him and faithful to the message he’s given to propagate. Christ chooses him gratuitously, not for anything he has or has done, and he in turn, is not the source of what he gives to others. He is the vehicle of Christ’s message, a kind of fleshy mic for Jesus’ voice.

The Lord is the one who sets priorities for those he chooses as his collaborators. For the apostles it was “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” For a mother, it is her children: to teach them the catechism and how to pray. For a politician, it is the public: to uphold truth, morality, and justice. For a teenager: it is his peers.

And, what about me? Who are the “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” in my confined world? Are Christ’s words of instruction to his apostles in today’s Gospel meaningful to me and my mission? How do I apply them in my world? I’ll take some extra time today to pray about it

  July 7th, 2021