Ignatian Reflections

22 July 2021 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Jul 22, 2021 4:00:00 AM

22 July 2021

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is one of the most fascinating followers of Jesus in the Gospels. Today is her feast day, and our reflection will center around what she teaches us in today’s readings about being part of God’s flock.

The Gospels reveal that Mary was a woman who experienced healing at the hands of Jesus, walked with Jesus’ followers, was with Jesus at the cross, and – in today’s Gospel – was one of the first to experience the resurrected Jesus. In her life, we see exemplified the love of the Divine shepherd in his care for each individual in his flock.

Our first reading sets the context of this divine love, a love that is active for his beloved, a love that seeks out the one who has gone astray. Mary has tasted this love in being healed and called to follow Christ. It is a love that Mary showed to Christ, walking closely with Christ in his sufferings as a mirror of Christ’s love for her (like all his followers) whom he drew close to in their need. This love of a sheep for her shepherd compelled her to draw close to his tomb to properly bury her Lord and savior. Mary’s love that hungered for God was rewarded in her encountering the risen Jesus. He comes to Mary, calls her by name, heals her of her fear and sadness and sends her out as the first witness of his Resurrected self. Mary has been healed, fed, guarded, nurtured, and loved by the Divine Shepherd. The Lord’s actions in her life find new purpose in her mission of being sent to others to proclaim the good news. Life in God’s flock is never passive; God’s graces are always personal but are seldom private. What is offered is meant to be shared and we see in the drama of Mary’s life a model for ours. How have we experienced God’s personal and shepherding love in our life, and who has the Lord sent us out to share this love within the world?

  July 22nd, 2021