Ignatian Reflections

3 August 2021 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | Aug 3, 2021 4:00:00 AM

3 August 2021

Tuesday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Peter is hard-headed in today’s gospel, even by his own standards. He tells Jesus “if it is you, command me to come on the water” (Mt. 14:28). When Peter does go out on the water, however, he falters and so begins to sink. Peter asks Jesus for a sign that he did not fully believe could happen. Yet Peter’s failure is often our own: how many times have you asked God for a miracle or favor, yet felt somewhere in your heart that it could not be?

We must grow beyond Peter’s failing in today’s Gospel. How do we do this? When Jesus rebukes Peter, He asks “why did you doubt?” (14:31). Jesus implies to Peter that the proof for belief had already been provided to him. The power of God had been made clear to Peter from almost the first moment he met Jesus, but Peter did not reflect on this power. We must be reflective. Where have you seen the power of God at work in your own life? Know God’s power as a reality, and be confident in your faith.

  August 3rd, 2021