Ignatian Reflections

26 August 2021 «

Written by William Manaker S.J. | Aug 26, 2021 4:00:00 AM

26 August 2021

Thursday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s Gospel reading (Matt 24:42-51) marks a shift in our Lord’s speeches to parables about the end times, and this emphasis will continue through the end of the week’s readings. 

Both of the parables today speak of the unexpected arrival of the Son of Man. The second, which contrasts a “faithful and prudent servant” with a “wicked servant”, is particularly relevant for pastors and shepherds of souls, whom the Lord will hold responsible for the way they minister to those under their care. As the words of the prophets make clear, woe to the shepherds who either neglect those under their care or—what is worse—take advantage of them! God will not deal lightly with such shepherds, so we should pray all the more for those who have care of souls.

Yet the message of the parable applies not only to pastors and shepherds, but to each of us. Every Christian, no matter their state in life, is entrusted with some specific mission or charge which is given to no one else and which, however small or insignificant it may seem at times, is nevertheless part of the Lord’s plan. Today, let us reflect on the particular charge that the Lord has given us, and pray for the grace to be faithful and ready when the Lord demands an account of our stewardship.


  August 26th, 2021