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William Manaker S.J.Aug 27, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 August 2021

Memorial of Saint Monica

Today’s Gospel (Matt 25:1-13) continues Matthew’s series of parables about the end times and the coming of the Son of Man, this time with the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. One aspect of this parable worth examining and meditating upon is the joy described at the appearance of the bridegroom, who represents Christ. When the bridegroom finally appears at midnight, there is a cry: “Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” 

Receiving the wedding party after their marriage and celebrating with them is ordinarily a joyous occasion, even on a purely human level. What joy ought there be, then, when Jesus himself, the Lord of life, is the bridegroom! We can ask ourselves: do I anticipate the coming of the Lord Jesus—both in his glorious second coming as well as his daily, hidden coming through grace—with the kind of eagerness and anticipation appropriate to such a bridegroom? If so, then we will not fail to be one of the wise virgins and prepare for his coming. Today, let us pray for this grace of anticipatory joy, that we may be eager to meet the Lord in whatever way he comes to us.

  August 27th, 2021