Ignatian Reflections

12 September 2021 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Sep 12, 2021 4:00:00 AM

12 September 2021

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Before revealing the central core of his message, Jesus wanted to make sure of the loyalty of his apostles. So, we see in this Gospel today he asks them who they think he is. Peter replies: “You are the Christ,” that is, the Messiah. Right on, Peter!  Now you and your eleven apostolic brothers are ready to be formed into the image of Christ, your leader.

But neither the question nor the answer should be considered as past utterances. Jesus repeats the question to me today, and the answer I give allows the Holy Spirit to prepare me to receive the message, the Good News found in Scripture. He then whispers in my heart his designs for me. It strengthens me to have confidence in him, to be formed by him to be an apostle, a collaborator with him today in his work of salvation for all.

But then in the Gospel, we learn that he predicts his Passion and death. Peter objects. That’s a sign of defeat. That’s unacceptable for the Messiah. Hold on, Peter! During the rest of his ministry, Jesus is going to teach you that the defeat of the Cross is the only way that leads to victory. What’s the lesson for me?  “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”

At Mass today I shall make a special effort to pray that the Lord give me the knowledge and strength to bear the various crosses that come into my life, especially during the coming week.

  September 12th, 2021