Ignatian Reflections

13 September 2021 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Sep 13, 2021 4:00:00 AM

13 September 2021

Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Jesus shows his admiration in today’s Gospel for the centurion who sent messengers to him making a special request. I’ll spend some time today in prayerful consideration of the reasons why Jesus showed such consideration for this man, and I’ll ask him to foster in me the same sentiments that he admired in him.

So, what were his traits? First, I see that he was attentive to the needs of others, specifically his slave, who was in no way his social equal. Secondly, although not a Jew himself, he loved people who did not share his religious beliefs and he was generous to them. Isn’t this the same attitude that Jesus asks me to see him in others, especially those who are most needy in matters human, not necessarily economic?

Then, there was the fact that face to face with Jesus, the centurion recognized himself unworthy, asking the Jews to make intercession on his behalf. He had confidence in their intercession because he knew their ability to be heard. Luke tells us that when Jesus heard about him and learned what he had said, he was “amazed”.

The Gospels report many emotions expressed by Jesus during his life on earth, but this is the only time when an evangelist claimed he was amazed. And it was the faith of this man of such a different background that caused such a reaction. So, my special prayer today will be to ask our Heavenly Father to endow me with the same human habits and supernatural faith that were so instrumental in persuading Jesus to answer his prayers

  September 13th, 2021