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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Sep 14, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

14 September 2021

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

On Good Friday we honored the cross, the gibbet on which Man of Sorrows suffered and died, where his Sacred Heart was pierced and from it poured out blood and water, symbols of baptism and eucharist.

Today we honor that same cross, but with the splendor of the Resurrection, the throne of Him who now reigns in glory.  The hymn from the Philippians, which we read in today’s mass, expresses the paradox between the instrument of pain and death and the same instrument of glory and life.

Today, thanks to TV and other examples of the media, we become witnesses to so much suffering through the world. Graphic images detail the heavy crosses people carry, often ignorant that they are following Christ along the via dolorosa. They should be examples for us to pray for them, to pray that eventually their crosses will be transformed for into the Glorious Cross.

But more often than ever before, today we do not need the media to see such suffering. Therefore, we should develop the habit to have daily approach to the Sacred Heart, begging him to give us the grace to bend our knees daily in prayer, to appreciate better that “Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father”.

  September 14th, 2021