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Jon Polce S.J.Sep 29, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

29 September 2021

Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels

“In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.”

Today is the feast day of the three great Archangels – Michael, Raphael, Gabriel. Each of these angels are singled out in the Scriptures and in our feast today for unique actions in salvation history.

Michael, the great defender of heaven as we hear about in the book of Revelation. Raphael, for his watchful attendance and healing in the book of Tobit. Gabriel, most famously, for the visitation to Mary inviting her to be God’s mother and announcing the good news of Christ’s incarnation. Yes, these angels defend, they heal and guide, and they announce the good news to the world in their holy devotion and service of God.

In this sense they become models and companions for us in our life. We too are called to announce the good news to others, to struggle on behalf of this good news in defense of what is holy and against what is evil, and to be ministers of healing with those whom we walk with in our journey. God offers the world the witness of these Archangels to guide us and help us to walk in his service. Let us pray for the grace to live out our Christian call in the model of these three great angels, and let us grow in gratitude for the gift of their help and protection for us on our road.

  September 29th, 2021