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Daniel Kennedy S.J.Oct 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

17 October 2021

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Who is Jesus?”  If we were to ask this question to all the 12 apostles, we would likely get 12 different answers.  From our Gospel passage today, we see that Jesus is ushering in a glorious reign on earth to James and John.  For a nation under the subjugation of a distant foreign power, Jesus usurping the political status quo would be welcomed news.  The question of James and John seems to be asking if they could have the place of honor as the new king rides into the city with his victory parade.  They would mount their thrones as Jesus mounts his.  The real question is not who will sit at the right or left of Jesus in glory.  The question is really about who Jesus is.  If James and John understood who Jesus is, they would see that it is not about sitting in glory but hanging with Jesus in disgrace on a cross to his right or left.

Isaiah describes the suffering servant who will be the chosen one of God.  “The Lord was pleased to crush him in infirmity.”  His servant will offer his life, be afflicted, and suffer for the sake of many.  Jesus tries to rectify the understanding of James and John.  He does not reference the conclusion of his ministry directly but uses the language of “a baptism” he will undergo or “a cup” from which he will drink.  We later disciples profit from the expanse of the Scriptures, both Jewish and Christian, that help us answer today’s beginning question.

We demonstrate who Jesus is to us by how we live our lives.  Mark emphasizes the life of discipleship is a life of loving service.  We disclose the victory of Jesus on the cross by our daily offering of self to others.  As we continue to journey with Christ, we may ask for the grace to be reminded that the glory we seek is that of the Lord, revealed on the cross and in the resurrection.

  October 17th, 2021