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Michael Maher S.J.Oct 25, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

25 October 2021

Monday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s gospel recalls a theme frequently recounted in the scriptures; Jesus breaking the law to do a greater good. Jesuits made quite a cottage industry out of issues that related to the fundamental question of what is the greater good and how does one know it and act upon it even though there is a regulation requiring the opposite. Those familiar with the 17th century Jesuit books on Casuistry (and such persons do exist) will tell you that the books are large, the arguments complex, and there was no absolute rule that could be applied in all cases.  Moral dilemma still challenges us but  if we are honest with ourselves, we usually can see and understand the motives behind our actions and make appropriate decisions.  Unless of course we have blinded ourselves by habitual practice of making sure that we get what we want the way we want it when we want it. It is for this reason the church wisely places an emphasis on the community of believers who make decisions after consultation. One good rule of thumb in terms of making decisions is to ask if this would be the decision, I would be proud to proclaim in public or, as Ignatius would have us imagine, on our death bed.   Deciding what is the “greater good” has always been a challenge but a support to that challenge can be found in the wisdom of the Church’s tradition, teaching, and conversation with the community of believers.

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