Ignatian Reflections

22 November 2021 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Nov 22, 2021 5:00:00 AM

22 November 2021

Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

Jesus shows me in today’s Gospel that if I want to be poor in spirit I must share with others what I have been given, what is mine,. Everyone is born poor: materially, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. So, everyone depends on others to fulfill essential needs.

The widow in today’s Gospel reached a heroic level of poverty by giving all the money she had to others who needed it. But not all are called to live out such poverty; yet all are called to share the riches they have with those who have need. A newborn baby has need for love and nourishment. The mother is there to share what can satisfy that need.

So, the question I must ask myself in prayer is: What can I share what I have been given with others who need it? Educators, medical personnel, lawyers, politicians, mechanics do not keep the knowledge that have to themselves. They share what they have with others, realizing their ability to achieve was a gift that they did not give to themselves.

Conclusion: Each day I must beg the Lord in prayer to show me that all I have has been given to me and ask him how he wants me to share with others who have need to enrich their lives. That can range from a smile of encouragement to a million-dollar check. It is all very personal

Finally, today is the feast of Cecelia, the patron saint of music. Remind her how much we need her involvement today, how much we are in need of beautiful, reverent liturgical music.

  November 22nd, 2021