Ignatian Reflections

25 November 2021 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Nov 25, 2021 5:00:00 AM

25 November 2021

Thanksgiving Day, Optional Memorial of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr

Today I shall reflect that I have lived through years of one gift day after another, and that none of the good things I have received has come from myself. It is my heavenly father in his divine providence who has provided and sustained all.

Also, the more grateful I am, the more I realize how grateful I should be, can be. Before retiring each night, I should make it a habit to review events that have taken place during the day that cause me to be grateful to so many people, places and things. Especially, for the gift of gratitude. That way, each day can become a Thanksgiving Day

But thanks to the founding fathers of our nation – and they were all Protestants – this day is a day set aside when I should be particularly thankful for the choice blessings the Lord has given to me because I live in the United States.

It is a day I ask him to bless those who govern me and those who protect me. It is a special day when I can ask the Lord to continue his special blessing on this land and give us the know-how to share these special blessings with so many less fortunate of his children, wo are our unseen brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is also a crowed-in feast of a popular third-century saint who has all of the credentials of being the patroness of an authentic Catholic Women’s Liberation movement. Check out her life to see why.

  November 25th, 2021