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Jon Polce S.J.Dec 7, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

7 December 2021

Memorial of St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church  

Today is the memorial of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. He is an icon of shepherding that God does for his people. In the first reading, God’s shepherding is an act that is oriented toward the feeding and guiding his flock in their lives. Ambrose was famous for his preaching, for his musical compositions, and for his tireless work in his diocese to build up Christians and to preach the truth of Christ even at the risk of his own life. One story tells that the emperor wanted his basilica, but Ambrose would not cede it even in the face of soldiers present in the church to take him away from it. In the face of Ambrose, and his flock’s resistance, the emperor eventually backed off and left the Church to the people as a place of worship.

In the Gospel, God is revealed to be a shepherd who doesn’t just care for those that are close to him, but he also seeks out the lost sheep who have wandered from this flock. Ambrose is most notably known for winning the heart of the lost sheep Augustine. Ambrose was not content to only preach and feed those who already believed, but went out to rescue those, like Augustine, who had turned astray.

Today’s memorial reminds us of the beauty of God centered shepherds who are icons of God’s care for his people. Let us give thanks for those today who carry on this charism of shepherding God’s people with holiness and courage like Ambrose. Today’s memorial is also a call to model ourselves after God’s shepherding love in our own lives – especially in how God seeks out the lost and never gives up on us or others to return to him.

  December 7th, 2021