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Jon Polce S.J.Dec 11, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

11 December 2021

Saturday of the Second Week of Advent

Our Gospel reminds us that our Advent waiting, our Advent journey will pass by way of the cross. “So also, will the Son of Man suffer at their hands.” The light of our God is incarnated in the heart of our dark world. The brightness of His resurrection sheds light on the darkness of the cross and suffering. This incarnated and resurrected light brings illumination to our hearts and to the darkness of our sufferings that transforms them and draws us and our crosses into the great mystery of his redemptive plan. The light of his 2nd coming will take away all darkness. Until then, we are gifted with the double light of his incarnation and resurrection which leads us through the darkness of our world, not as lost sheep, but as sheep on the holy highway of our God. A highway whose light from eternity is shining out clearly, dawning us ever closer into the eternal dawn when our darkness and sufferings will be no more. No darkness can separate us from Christ our light. Therefore, let us walk this Advent Road with strength, courage, hope and joy, strengthened by the light of Christ and the lights of our fellow Christians on this way with us.

Come, Lord Jesus.

  December 11th, 2021