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Jacob Boddicker S.J.Dec 13, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

13 December 2021

Memorial of Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr

Jesus is ready to reveal a tremendous mystery, but first He wants to determine whether the chief priests and elders are asking their questions with humility or pride. Jesus then asks them a question regarding their beliefs involving John the Baptist and his baptism, for He knows they rejected His Forerunner. If they have, after seeing the prophecies of John unfold before them, then they are ready to see more.

They do not prove blind, but they do prove proud: too proud to even risk giving a wrong answer. In other words their fear of error, their fear of being wrong, their fear of being disciples rather than masters keeps their mouths shut. They think they are being humble by saying they do not know the answer, but Jesus knows the truth: the eyes of their hearts are shut. He could reveal the deep mystery of where His authority comes, He could reveal the truth of Himself; He could roll back the veil between Heaven and Earth and they would not see it because they are too afraid to seek the truth at all. By feigning humility, by offering no answer rather than risk being wrong they have, in essence, demonstrated to Jesus that they believe they know the truth already, while staring the Truth (John 14:6) in the face.

Let us never fall into the same pit of pride, too afraid to make a mistake, too afraid to be wrong that we would rather do nothing, say nothing. Rather may our love for the Truth and our constant pursuit of it—or rather Him—win out always, even if along the way we stumble. Imagine if those men questioning Jesus had the courage to give an answer one way or the other! They might have been praised for their faith and rewarded with divine truth, or they might have been gently corrected and led to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God regardless. Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us; He wants us to know the Truth that we might find freedom by it (John 8:31-32), and walk in its light (Ephesians 5:8-9).

  December 13th, 2021