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Michael Maher S.J.Jan 8, 2022 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

8 January 2022

Saturday after Epiphany

The reading from the gospel provides us with a lesson in humility. John, who enjoyed some fame as a prophet and a preacher, made it clear that he was preparing the way for the mission of Jesus. We walk a fine line between recognizing the dignity of each human person and the expression of that dignity and when we think that dignity deserves special privilege. As Saint Paul notes, we all have gifts that build up the body of Christ.  Viewing these gifts as a privileged hierarchy is an error. Leadership has become a catchword in the academy and in most other institutions as well. Yet, a leader who does not follow what is good, true, and just earns a place with the other bad leaders in history. Today’s gospel reminds us that the essence of being a good leader is recognizing and following what is truly good, and that always means aligning yourself with God.

  January 8th, 2022