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Thomas Croteau S.J.Feb 9, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 February 2022

Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

    Solomon is both an amazing figure and a cautionary tale. His wisdom and the works of his kingdom amazed the Queen of Sheba, and she lets him know. She also adds to his wealth with her own gifts. However, it is the final words of the great queen that Solomon would have done best to remember: “In his enduring love for Israel, the LORD has made you king to carry out judgment and justice.” (1 Kings 10:9) We can easily become wrapped up in the externals which our talents produce. But do we remember from Whom we receive our talents? The praise and gifts of others not infrequently incline one to focus on the self being praised. But do we remember the end for which that self was created? The queen reminds Solomon that it is the Lord who has made him king, and the Lord has done so for the Lord’s own ends: to carry out judgment and justice.

    Jesus similarly directs the eyes of his disciples beyond mere externals such as potentially defiling foods. Those who place too much self-estimation in externals can also reap too much disappointment from what is merely on the outside. Instead, as the queen had directed the heart of the king to remember his Lord and his end, so too Jesus points the disciples to examine their hearts. He wants them to consider if their hearts are inclined to the works of injustice which truly defile. Today, let us as for the grace to place before our eyes God who created us, and second of all the end for which He created us: to praise Him, to love Him above all things, and to serve Him in showing mercy and kindness to our neighbor.

  February 9th, 2022