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William Manaker S.J.Mar 20, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

20 March 2022

Third Sunday of Lent

Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel (Luke 13:1-9) emphasizes both God’s mercy as well as the urgency of our conversion. The gardener in the parable intercedes with the owner of the barren fig tree for one more year in which he can cultivate the ground and fertilize the tree, hoping that it might bear fruit. Jesus deals with us in the same way: even when he encounters barrenness in our hearts—perhaps self-centeredness, a lack of love, or an attachment to our own comfort—he intercedes with the Father on our behalf and continues to offer us grace and mercy. But, there does come a point at which we must respond. The gardener asks for one more year, not for an indefinite amount of time; after the year is over, the tree will be cut down if it has not borne fruit. Our time, too, is limited; we cannot delay repentance forever.

During this Lent, let us ask ourselves what particular grace of conversion God is offering us at this moment. Moved by the Lord’s mercy, let us respond quickly and with a willing heart.

  March 20th, 2022