In a key meditation from the Spiritual Exercises, the Two Standards, St. Ignatius paints in dramatic terms the contrast between the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Satan. Satan attempts to tempt humanity with riches, honor, and pride, while Christ urges his followers to poverty, bearing insults, and humility. Ultimately, there is no middle ground between the two camps, so if we desire life, we must follow the path marked out by Christ.
Jesus emphasizes the weightiness of our human choice at the end of today’s Gospel reading (Luke 11:14–23), saying, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” These strong words from our Lord are a stark reminder not to “dialogue with the devil” or to make compromises with evil (Francis, Angelus 6 Mar 2022). For if we do, we simply deceive ourselves and anesthetize our consciences, which seek to help us respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Instead, when faced with the power and lure of the evil one, we should rely on the Word of God and the strength of Jesus, who has power to bind the strong man and drive him out.