Ignatian Reflections

11 April 2022 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Apr 11, 2022 4:00:00 AM

11 April 2022

Monday of Holy Week

The Gospel scene today describes the gracefulness, tenderness of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, who anointed Christ’s feet. Without saying a word, she expressed her love for Him.

But her action provoked a negative, hateful reaction in the heart of Judas. He did not understand the woman he was judging. But his reaction was understandable because he was so self-absorbed, egotistical. Her love was gracious, generous, outgoing. I shall pray today, through the intercession Mary, that the Lord give me her heart whenever I come to him in prayer.

Then, there is an emphasis on her anointing him, anticipating the announcement of his Resurrection, when he would receive a new body, the resurrected body that will be his forever.

I too have been anointed at my baptism, and again at my confirmation. This means I participate in the anointed body of Christ, the Church, in a new humanity, that is, my brothers and sisters, who have been anointed to make Christ known to others.

See in the 1st reading the effect of that anointing had on Peter. I’ll thank the Lord today for my anointing and ask the Holy Spirit to enable me, like Peter, to bring Christ to others by what I say and do.

  April 11th, 2022