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Jon Polce S.J.Apr 28, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

28 April 2022

Thursday of the Second Week of Easter

“Taste and see how good the Lord is.”

Today’s is the memorial of St. Louis de Montfort, the great preacher and devotee of the blessed virgin Mary in his prayer, life, and preaching. His life’s motto was “Totus Tuus” (totally yours) which he offered to Our Lady and to the Blessed Trinity. He asked in return for the gift of himself in his prayer to have a heart like Mary and a heart like her Son. Louis de Montfort was a concrete example of entrusting one’s life, in faith, to the Lord.

In the Gospel today, John speaks of the gift of eternal life to the one who believes (or entrusts) himself to God. De Montfort saw Mary as the pinnacle of this biblical faith, trust, and love.  He lived out his spirituality modeled after Mary and the way she teaches us to entrust ourselves to God and his most holy will, which is love and Mercy itself.

In our pray today, let us be inspired by Louis de Montfort to make an offering of ourselves to our Lord through our Lady that we might have hearts, minds, and lives which are: Totus Tuus in the model of Mary.

  April 28th, 2022