Ignatian Reflections

14 May 2022 «

Written by Benjamin Jansen S.J. | May 14, 2022 4:00:00 AM

14 May 2022

Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle

It’s easy to underestimate the incredible significance of Jesus’ sentiments in the Gospel today. What a wonder it truly is that mere human beings, created and fallen, could be called and elevated to a divine dignity. The incredible love of God for us is apparent in every line of this passage. Small though we are, limited though we are, imperfect though we are, God has chosen us each to be his heirs, his beloved sons and daughters with whom He desires to dwell eternally. How incredible and immense and unfathomable is the love of God for us!

A point that I find perpetually beautiful and never tire of contemplating is just how greatly God desires our individual attentions and affections and how ardently He yearns for individual relationship with each one of us. It is not we who chose Him, it is He who chose us. It was He who created us each as individual masterpieces in his own image and designed us for eternal life in his divine company. It can be overwhelming to consider but this is truly the end for which each of us were made. Let us take time in our day today to give thanks to God for his incredible goodness to us and to devote ourselves to loving Him more and more with our whole hearts in all that we do.

  May 14th, 2022