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Chris Krall S.J.May 19, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 May 2022

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter

It is not easy to be told what to do.  Obedience is not considered a favorable disposition in the present political climate.  Freedom and happiness, society may tell us, are the results of having everything the way we want it and not succumbing to what anybody else tells us.  With this mentality, the Gospel today from the Last Supper Discourses of the Gospel of John comes as quite a threat.  Jesus tells his disciples, “Remain in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.”  The rebellious attitude would baulk at such a statement.  We may ask “Why should I follow your commandments?  Why should I remain in a love that confines my pleasures?  I do what I want!”  However, the reality is that when we seek our own freedom, pleasures, desires, and self-made happiness, we turn the things of the world like wealth, alcohol, fame, technology, or exercise to bring us happiness.  We become obedient slaves to the things of this world in the very process of seeking our happiness.  Why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so radical is because Jesus calls us lovingly to become obedient to the will of God the Father.  As Jesus himself was obedient to the Father’s will, so he challenges us to do what he did.  When we imitate Christ’s obedience to the Father’s will fully and unconditionally, we share in the joy that Jesus Christ has and shares.  Joy is far different than happiness.  Rather than temporary pleasures or nice feelings, joy is obtaining the end (telos) for which we have been created.  Joy is fulfillment as a human being when we arrive at ultimate satisfaction of the greatest good (Summum Bonum).  The is nothing in this world that can come close to providing us with joy.  Only the love of God is enough for us.  Remain in the love of God by living the Father’s commandment of love.

  May 19th, 2022