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William Manaker S.J.May 29, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

29 May 2022

The Ascension of the Lord

In today’s feast of the Ascension, Jesus takes leave of his disciples, at least in a sense. Yet just before he is taken up to heaven, he gives them a commission, saying, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8b). In our prayer today, we might benefit from reflecting on these words of our Lord, since they apply to us just as much as they do to those disciples gathered with the Lord that day.

If we are to be Jesus’ witnesses now that he no longer walks the earth in bodily form, then he is to be made known to the world precisely through us. It is an awesome task, in the truest sense of the word; God wants us—poor, sinful human beings that we are—to bear witness to his message of salvation and redemption in Christ. We are the ones who must carry this message to the ends of the earth. Wouldn’t it seem that Jesus could do a better job if he remained with us in person? Yet that is not what God has chosen. He has chosen us to be his witnesses, and we ought to reflect on the immensity of God’s choice.

Of course, Jesus does not leave us alone or without aid. In today’s first reading, Jesus also promises to send the Holy Spirit and testifies that the disciples will receive power when the Spirit comes. As we reflect on the greatness of our call to be Jesus’ witness today, let us also pray for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit, joining with the disciples as they waited for the coming of Pentecost.

  May 29th, 2022