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William Manaker S.J.Jun 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

4 June 2022

Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter

In today’s readings we come to the conclusion of the Gospel of John. At the end of his text, John concludes with a kind of disclaimer, saying that Jesus did many other things that are not contained in his Gospel or in other books—nor could they be! It is a fitting disclaimer for today, the last day of Easter before the feast of Pentecost, because it reminds us that the reality of Jesus Christ cannot be contained in a book or even in all the books that the world contains. Even the written word of the Scriptures is not sufficient of itself to give us complete knowledge of Jesus; for that, we must also encounter him personally, and only the Holy Spirit can bring us to that encounter. So let us study the Scriptures in order to know Christ better, but even more, let us pray for the outpouring of the Spirit, who will guide us to all truth by coming to dwell in our hearts.

  June 4th, 2022