There are only two whose births and deaths are celebrated in the New Testament: Jesus and John the Baptist. And their births and deaths are similar: their coming was announced by an angel. A virgin and a sterile woman gave birth to a son through the miraculous intervention of God. Mary and Elizabeth’s husband sang songs of thanksgiving and praise to God for accomplishing his promises.
The lives of John and Jesus were also similar. John baptized Jesus marking the beginning of his public life. Both readings in today’s Mass emphasize the role of John as precursor of Jesus, the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New.
So, today as we celebrate the birth of John, we should spend special time thanking God for fulfilling his promises outlined in the Old Testament, promises whose perfection will be realized in six months when we celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day.
Our prayer today should also include a special intention for the many people who do not know the messages of John and Jesus, especially the Jewish people, that through their prayers, united with those of Elizabeth and Mary, God the Father will send the Holy Spirit to guide to them and bring them all more closely to himself and to us.