Ignatian Reflections

7 July 2022 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Jul 7, 2022 4:00:00 AM

7 July 2022

Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s reading from the prophet Hosea, we hear of God’s deep longing and love for his people. The prophet contrasts God’s love and care on behalf of his people, with the people’s disregard for this love. The people deserved just punishment and yet Hosea tells us that, instead of punishment, God says that: “My heart is overwhelmed; my pity is stirred” and that God will hold back his anger, and instead draw his people back to him.

This line is important, not just because it is a description of God’s merciful love for the Israelites, but also because this is the same description of Christ’s love for the people of Galilee in the Gospel a few days ago. We heard that Jesus looked out upon the people and his heart was “moved with pity” at the sight of them. God’s merciful love that the prophet Hosea describes is the same merciful love that Jesus reveals in the Gospels. How beautiful that our God has always had the same loving heart for his people – one of tender mercy and love – and that Jesus reveals this heart to us, not only in the Gospels, but also in our prayer and through the Church.

Today, let us pray with this image of God’s love which is stirred up for his people, for you and me, especially when we have gone astray. It is a love that does not bring condemnation, but healing to lead us back into right relationship with God.

  July 7th, 2022