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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Jul 19, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 July 2022

Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

“Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

These words of Jesus in the Gospel today should be a source of tremendous hope and consolation because they reveal the invitation to intimate relationship with God that is extended to each one of us. Through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, Christ has redeemed us and rescued us and calls us anew to be His sisters and brothers as adopted sons and daughters of God. What incredible and unspeakable love! How amazing and beautiful it is that the Creator of the universe should go to such lengths to know and love and care for us each individually.

Christ takes the opportunity through these words to promise that those who give their whole hearts to Him are His intimate beloved ones. The beloved of God are those who choose to will His will in every aspect of their lives with all that they have and are. Let us take a few moments today to meditate on the ways that we are called to do the will of Father and to pray for the grace to respond more fully and lovingly desire to do His will in all things.

  July 19th, 2022