Ignatian Reflections

21 July 2022 «

Written by Benjamin Jansen S.J. | Jul 21, 2022 4:00:00 AM

21 July 2022

Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Several of the readings this week present a particular emphasis on our ability to recognize God in daily life. The message of the Gospel today is admittedly challenging but presents some very essential facets for us to consider. Jesus quotes a passage from Isaiah and states that it has been fulfilled in the crowd as “they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand.” Note that the issue at hand is not the ability of the crowd to hear or see but rather the desire. They have preemptively closed themselves off from receiving new information that could change their outlooks on life. And why? Because deep down, they fear that they might hear or discover that their lives, beliefs, or habits are in need of change and they simply don’t desire to. So they intentionally prevent themselves from really listening and seeing so as to avoid the necessity of conversion.

There’s no getting around the fact that this is simply a tough message but it is a vitally important one for us. Do we really desire to hear? Do we really desire to see? Or do we simply decide only to see and hear what suits our personal agendas and lifestyles? How open are we to allowing the light and truth of God to permeate our hearts and change us from within? Do we even give Him the chance? Being open and vulnerable can be scary and change can be uncomfortable, but these are critical elements of real, healthy, lasting growth and are essential for continued progress in the spiritual life. Let us pray this day for the grace that our eyes, ears, and hearts may always be truly open and receptive to the light of God’s truth and grace.

  July 21st, 2022