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Michael Maher S.J.Aug 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

6 August 2022

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Revelations happen and when they do, they often surprise us since they give us an insight into a person or event that before we did not have. I recall the time that mother recited the Hail Mary in the Irish language, taught to her by her grandmother. Knowledge of the prayer situated my mother within the time of her grandmother’s memory of when being Irish and Catholic was not the most beneficial combination. Today’s reading describes the Transfiguration, the moment when the Apostles received an insight that Jesus was more than a wise teacher and resourceful carpenter. Revelations can be dramatic or interesting but most often they are viewed and understood by those who are receptive to a world view open to the workings of God in the world. We have often used the expression “to see things differently” and this of course refers to how an idea, particularly the action of God, can be revealed to those who are receptive to God’s presence. Looking back at the great saints we celebrated this week; Ignatius, Alphonsus Ligouri, Peter Faber, and John Vianney we realize that all helped their fellow men and women “see things differently,” that is, to view the world in a transfigured way. All these saints helped others, and left good recommendations, on how to find God in all things. 

  August 6th, 2022