Ignatian Reflections

29 August 2022 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Aug 29, 2022 4:00:00 AM

29 August 2022

Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

We live in a time when harsh criticism is easily aimed at the pope and bishops. During the political and social climate that ended some twenty-five years ago, the Church was blessed with exceptionally strong leaders. Today it is easy to find reasons to be critical, even to the point of being faithless, in growling about clerical leaders.

All the more reason why the first reading is pertinent. Paul, a bishop in the early Church, admits he is weak, fearful, even to the point of trembling, but this attitude created the way the Holy Spirit was able to act. Intelligence, sanctity, and integrity are helpful, but not essential for the Church to exist, much less to thrive.

What is essential is the action on the part of the Holy Spirit. We know that the Spirit is always there and will be, right up to the end. So, weak leaders are in a sense, a blessing. They enable us to appreciate Paul’s message to see with greater clarity what is essential and what is not. Thank God for history to show us so.

Paul gives forceful reminders for us to pray more for the Church. Namely, we should pray for our bishops and Church leaders, that they be given in abundance the grace that was given to Paul to know and carry out better their vocations to spread the Gospel message, praying frequently for those who have left the Church.

Resolve: I’ll spend some time today reflecting on the vocation the Holy Spirit has given to me, a member of the Church, and I’ll pray for the know-how and grace to fulfill it.

  August 29th, 2022