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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Aug 31, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

31 August 2022

Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Once more, in the first reading of today’s mass, Paul writes about different vocations for making the Church more extensive. For example, he, Paul, plants the seed, Apollos waters it, while the Holy Spirit is the one who gives it growth.

With that image in mind, I shall contemplate today’s psalm: “Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.” He has chosen me.  Yet, what do I do with that hidden seed?

The Gospel can help answer that question. It shows me that Jesus spent his life mixing with others. Peter’s mother was sick. People “interceded” with him to cure her. He does so. He then again makes himself the servant of the demands from the crowd. Only at night, when all are gone, is he able to steal off to be alone with the Father.

So, what he shows me here is that prayer means paying attention to the people God has put in my life in various ways, and my bringing them and their needs to Him.

Prayer also means to imitate Paul, who planted the seed of the Church for others, and Apollo, who cared for its growth among individuals and communities, and to have confidence that the Spirit of Jesus is just as active today as he was when Jesus put himself at the service of others.

Resolve: Today I shall spend some time asking the Lord who the people are whom he wants me to bring to him for healing or for a deeper faith, and how I can be a Paul or an Apollo in my world now.

  August 31st, 2022