Ignatian Reflections

3 September 2022 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Sep 3, 2022 4:00:00 AM

3 September 2022

Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

In the first reading, after what one might say is some over-the-top rhetoric, Paul tells the Corinthians that he did not use intellectual arguments in bringing Christ to them, but that he fathered, that is, he engendered, begot Christ within them. He became a spiritual father to them – an extraordinary meaningful figure of speech.

For us, even though we too have “constant guides to Christ”, in philosophical and theological teachers, we also have our mother, the Blessed Virgin, as a guide to teach us how we can prepare ourselves for deepening his spiritual fatherhood within us.

Today is the first Saturday of the month, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ and of each member of his mystical body.

Resolve: I shall ask her, in some special prayers, to obtain for me the grace that was hers in welcoming the Holy Spirit and to bestow in abundance that same grace on the many people who have left the Church.

  September 3rd, 2022