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Jon Polce S.J.Sep 13, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

13 September 2022

Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

     Today is the feast day of the great saint and doctor of the Church, John Chrysostom. He lived in the 4th century and was known as a great preacher and reformer of the Church. The readings for his feast were near and dear to his heart, the church as the Body of Christ image that St. Paul develops in his letter to the Corinthians. 

When was the last time you cared for the beauty of your body? What did you do: a haircut, hair style, manicure, diet, new make-up, exercise, good sleep, clipping your nails, etc.? Whatever it was that you did, think about how it contributed to the overall beauty and look of you. Notice, too, how sometimes it is the smallest things we care for (like eyebrows, nails, beards, etc.) which contribute to the overall beauty of how we look or feel.

Chrysostom asks us to think about our lives, especially in our lives of virtue and faith, as contributing to the overall beauty of the body of Christ. No life, however small or great, is outside of having a role in manifesting the beauty of Christ and adding to the beauty of the body of Christ. Through the image of how the parts of the body contribute to the overall beauty of the Church, Chrysostom thinks we can avoid the double evil of envy for the gifts of others or haughtiness at our own gifts in comparison with others.

St. Paul’s image of the Body and Chrysostom’s lens of beauty asks us to pray about how we contribute to the beauty of the Church in how we live, and where we are tempted to envy others or to haughtiness at our role and gifts. Let us care for our spiritual beauty this day so as to increase the spiritual beauty of the body of Christ.

  September 13th, 2022