Ignatian Reflections

30 October 2022 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Oct 30, 2022 4:00:00 AM

30 October 2022

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

What stands between Zacchaeus and Jesus? Is it the sin of the tax collector? His short stature? Or is it the crowd? A closer look at the role that the group gathered plays in this gospel passage can offer insights into how we might facilitate encounters with Christ.

Zacchaeus could not see Jesus “because of the crowd.” Did they intentionally push him towards the back because of his work? Did Zacchaeus arrive late? The gospel doesn’t say. But as often happens when meeting someone of renown, people will seek for themselves the very best position. If you’re too short or you arrived late, not my problem, especially if you have a bad reputation.

Thanks to the tree and Zacchaeus quick thinking, Jesus is able to see the tax-collector and calls him by name. It is a dialogue of an encounter between the two. The role of the crowd? Grumbling in disapproval. It is interesting to note that though the words of the crowd are recorded and though they hear the conversation between Christ and Zacchaeus, they never enter into direct dialogue with them. They remain an anonymous, self-seeking, and judgmental bunch.

May it not be so among us. When we are part of a group, may we look around to find those who are excluded. May we break the barrier, learn their name and enter into dialogue with them, listening to their needs and desires. It is in those encounters and interactions that Jesus can pass through and be seen.

  October 30th, 2022