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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Oct 31, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

31 October 2022

Monday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Imagine calling your friends and saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t invite you over for dinner anymore since you might invite me over for dinner to your house someday.” Or maybe you tell an underprivileged person, “Come for dinner! You won’t be able to repay me, but my reward will be great later.” Clearly, neither one of these conversations would go over well.

Perhaps the takeaway from today’s gospel passage is rather for us to look more closely at our motivations when we interact with others. Do we at times draw close to others because it may benefit us in some way? Do we see the work of charity simply as a sort of ticket into heaven? Are we motivated by self-interest? Such an attitude is antithetical to the Christian message. We must remember that as Christians, we are motivated by a higher order, one based not on earthly goods and benefits, but on love, love of neighbor, known or unknown, close or distant, wealthy or poor.

By all means, share a meal with friends, share your meal with a stranger. The love experienced in those moments is but a foretaste of what’s to come.

  October 31st, 2022