Ignatian Reflections

8 November 2022 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Nov 8, 2022 5:00:00 AM

8 November 2022

Tuesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

At first glance, the readings today are not politically correct, and at second glance, that judgment hasn’t changed. So, let’s pray over them.

Jesus said earlier, “I have come to serve, not to be served.” So, if I want to be his collaborator, shouldn’t I have the same mind?  Wait a minute! Do I want to be “a suffering servant”? I’m not ready for that yet. That’s not reasonable. Right. But what is, is having the same patient attitude Jesus had toward the apostles, the men he lived with, in order to teach them the true meaning of being of service to others.

He has left me examples in the gospels on how he treated the apostles, and if I really want to follow him, he will give me the grace and the power to act in the same manner toward those with whom I rub shoulders each day.

Christian service is gratuitous because it is an expression of love. It is having the attitude of a child toward his parent, the object of his love. It’s being a collaborator with Christ in his redemptive work.

In the first reading, if we dig deep enough, we see something so characteristic of Paul: hope. He tells Titus he hopes he’ll give the Christians in his diocese hope to become more Christ-like, and that hope is put into effect by the different vocations within the flock.

Resolve: I’ll say some extra prayers to Our Lady, the essence of living hope, that she will obtain for me the grace of being patient with the people and those situations that will come my way until, hopefully, I will be with her, Jesus, Paul, Titus and all those I have loved so during my earthly life.

  November 8th, 2022