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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Nov 10, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

10 November 2022

Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Do you want to know how to pray? Imitate Paul in the first reading. He expresses his love for Philemon. That’s why he’s confident Philemon will do what he wants done for Onesimus. There you have it: charity, faith, hope.

Paul was a great theologian. Does he cite theological arguments in this appeal to Philemon? No. Does he condemn slavery? No. Does he act like a child who asks his mother if he can go out and play with his friends? Yes. The child loves his mother and knows his mother loves him.

So, without expressing it, he knows she will do what is best for him. That’s the meaning of prayer. No need for the arguments of philosophers, theologians, sociologists or politicians. There’s nothing easier than prayer.

Theology, philosophy, sociology and politics are valid entities, but they have their place. They can be like a cell phone that gets in the way when we are conversing with someone we love. Turn it off. Listen later to the message it records.

Resolve: Today I shall offer a special prayer to our Blessed Mother asking her to obtain from her spouse, the Holy Spirit, the grace for me and my friends that how to pray better is to pray in all circumstances, putting aside until later books that give inspirational ideas on topics or ways of prayer.

  November 10th, 2022