Ignatian Reflections

16 November 2022 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Nov 16, 2022 5:00:00 AM

16 November 2022

Jesuit Memorial of Saints Roch Gonzalez, Alphonsus Rodriguez, and John Del Castillo, Priests and Martyrs

John’s visions continue in the Book of Revelation, and today we hear of the vision of heavenly worship. Twenty four elders (which might remind us of the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel as well as the twelve apostles), who have been ennobled by God to be like kings, and yet, who fall down and throw their crowns before the throne of God. Four living creatures (which remind us of the vision of four creatures in the beginning of the prophecy of Ezekiel) are ceasly proclaiming God’s holiness “Holy, Holy, Holy” (as another prophet heard the seraphim cry out before God’s temple, see Isaiah 6:3).

This praise of God’s kingship, which lends greater dignity to those who sing these praises, should lead us to reflect on our own view of heaven. Many of us rightly look forward to seeing our beloved family members, friends, and others in the life to come. We look forward to being reunited with them because of our great love for them, and their great love for us. Yet, today’s reading asks us to look even higher, and to consider the God who is love, who has made all the true love we have known in this life possible, who continues to give life to those who have left this earth. Just as much as we look forward to embracing our loved ones, let us look forward to embracing God with perfect praise. Let us look forward to finally realizing how much God has loved us, and to how that love promises to overwhelm us for all eternity.

  November 16th, 2022