Ignatian Reflections

22 November 2022 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Nov 22, 2022 5:00:00 AM

22 November 2022

Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

Last Sunday was the feast of Christ the King. That feast permeates our readings all week as the Church concludes its liturgical year this week. Today, in Revelation, we receive another image of Christ the King, this time it is an image of Christ coming in judgement at the end times. As the Psalmist proclaims today, “The Lord cometh to judge the earth.” Christ our king will not only come in glory, but also in judgement, and He will bring justice and peace to the earth. In these final days of our liturgical year, let us pray with the image of Christ the just judge who will come to harvest the earth. Our actions, our life, and our love will be what he judges. Let us examen our past year and ask Christ our king and judge to inspire us in how we ought to live so as to be able to meet his second coming with joy and expectation in light of a life lived in union with him.

  November 22nd, 2022