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Jon Polce S.J.Nov 24, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

24 November 2022

Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. The Church, in her liturgy this day, directs our thanks to Christ the King. Our readings manifest this, but it is the Gospel that can offer for us a nugget of wisdom today.
Today’s Gospel is the story of the one grateful leper. It was this leper that, not only noticed God’s miracle in his life, but returned to thank his King for the kindness bestowed upon him. The other nine all perceived God’s healing act, but did not return to thank the hand of the one who had cured them. Notice how Christ does not withdraw the blessing from the ungrateful lepers, even though he praises the grateful one. The healing remains for all ten even while only one acted rightly. By this action, Jesus offers us our piece of wisdom today: how do I treat those who do not thank me for blessings I offer them? Do I withdraw the gifts and blessings I have given them because I am hurt at a lack of recognition? How can Christ’s example of generosity help me to overcome this human response to ingratitude?
Today, we are called to pray in thanks to God for all the blessings received from his merciful majesty. Let us also reflect on how we respond to others when thanks or the lack of thanks if offered to us. Let us pray to have a heart like our Lord when others do not repay us for the good we have done and let these moments help us grow more united with our Lord. Even in rejection, our hearts can still raise thanks and praise to our God.
  November 24th, 2022