Ignatian Reflections

25 November 2022 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Nov 25, 2022 5:00:00 AM

25 November 2022

Friday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Today we see another image of Christ our King as the book of Revelation gives us a window into the life that is to come.
Christ, as king enthroned, will come to pass judgement on all that we have done. But, more than that, Christ will pass judgement on death and hades and end these two scourges of the valley of tears. Finally, Christ as king, will bring about a new heaven and a new earth for all eternity. These readings ought to fill us with great joy and hope. Christ’s victory over sin and death will one day be brought to fulfillment when sin and death are rendered no more. Further, Christ will bring about a newness of heaven and earth where his people – the bride – will dwell with him in blessedness forever.
This vision from Revelation is the goal of Christ’s kingly plan when he will draw all things to himself. Let us pray with this vision today and let it inspire us in hope to strive for greater fidelity to our King in our lives, allowing him here and now to bring about newness in our lives through his grace.
  November 25th, 2022