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Jon Polce S.J.Nov 26, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

26 November 2022

Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

The final day of the liturgical year presents us with one final image of Christ and his kingly throne. This throne, Revelation tells us, will be life giving for all the nations. Christ’s throne flows out as a river causing the tree of life to grow and blossom and this tree will feed and heal the nations. Unlike an earthly King, who often takes from or feeds upon his people, Christ our King gives us and feeds us with his kingship. His followers worship and are fed at the throne of the lamb. What will happen in the second coming, we have a taste of this life through the Eucharist. The eucharist, then, is a brief experience of the throne of God where we worship and are fed. Christ, our king, gives us himself at this meal, and we give him ourselves in our worship. Revelation reveals to us that heaven will be analogous with the Mass and thus the Mass gives us a taste of heaven. Let us pray in thanksgiving for the kingship of Christ which nourishes us and let us pray that his kingdom comes. Maranatha (Come Lord Jesus!)

  November 26th, 2022