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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Dec 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

7 December 2022

Memorial of Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

The Gospel today is one of those readings that’s difficult to make sense of without a certain degree of experience with love (as defined by a truly authentic, selfless desire of the good of the other). I say this because the concept of obtaining rest by taking on a burden doesn’t practically seem to make a tremendous amount of sense from a purely pragmatic perspective.

And yet think of all the crazy things we do for those we love. Consider all of the time, the effort, the labor, and the difficulties we’re willing to face just for the idea of their happiness and wellbeing, what we would do just to see them smile. In those moments, don’t we often feel as if all efforts, all waiting, all difficulties are as nothing? It’s interesting to consider how the hope and consolations of love can sweeten even the most bitter burdens and make bearable even the most difficult trials. The deep-seated fire of authentic love is like an infinite well of energy and strength that brightens and warms and gives life and light in even the darkest and most dire situations.

The Christian life is mysterious and beautiful in that we are called to share the burdens of Christ who simultaneously makes them sweet and delightful. I offer a gentle challenge: try your best to remain in the presence of Jesus throughout the day. Offer Him, as often as you are able, everything that you think, say and do and be prepared to be amazed as burdens that were previously bitter become sweet, as labors that were exhausting become comforts, and as anxieties melt away into the blissful peace and joy that cannot help but come from living in the presence of the Lord.

  December 7th, 2022