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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Dec 9, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 December 2022

Optional Memorial of Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin

Today, we remember and contemplate the life of Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, the first Catholic saint indigenous to the Americas. In 1531, Juan Diego received visions and instructions from the apparition of Mary popularly known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. His tale is too long to be to recounted here in full, but I heartily encourage you take a moment to prayerfully read and reflect on it over the course of the day today, especially as we look forward to celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12.

There are a couple facets of his story that we should pay particular attention to. First, Juan Diego’s story illustrates the fact that even in our moments of difficulty, weakness, or unfaithfulness, God will always be true to us and is always patiently pursuing us with love and compassion. When Juan Diego did not initially follow Our Lady’s instructions and failed to meet her at the appointed time out of concern for a sick uncle, she intercepted him anyways and exhorted him, “¿No estoy yo aquí que soy tu madre?” (“Am I not here, I who am your Mother?”). She then not only assured him of his uncle’s good health but then led him to and through the famed finding of the flowers and the miraculous appearance of the image on his tilma.

The second is that when we act in accordance with God’s will in total faith, despite how dire, dangerous, or hopeless things might seem, we cannot fail to succeed because He will not allow us to fail. How hopeless and fearful Juan Diego’s errand to the bishop might have seemed, but still he went and his obedience has borne fruit for millions whose lives have been touched by the miracles at Guadalupe. Lord God, grant us a heart like that of Juan Diego that is gentle and simple and full of love for you and you alone that your holy will might be done in all things in all places in the world.

  December 9th, 2022